JK Consulting

Sales Consulting for B2B Software Firms


JK Consulting is dedicated to helping Software Corporates, SMEs and Startups in paving a solid and proper foundation for launching or enhancing their business. Through our services, organizations become more efficient and productive, by having better processes, growing swiftly, and being more cost effective.

Jeffrey Khater

Founder and CEO


Senior Consultant based in Montréal, Canada, with over a decade of deep expertise in B2B Software Business Development and Sales. With a BSc in Information Technology, 12+ years of experience in Software Sales, and wide knowledge in psychology, Jeffrey brings the perfect combination of backgrounds for tech companies and others to scale and grow. Some of Jeffrey’s projects have +1,000 users and +1M$.


For B2B Software Companies

Through comprehensive cross-industry Enterprise Software Sales experience spanning over a decade, JK Consulting is able to assist across several Sales and Go-To-Market touchpoints.

Global Sales Readiness (GSR)

Deliver a GSR Master Playbook allowing organizations to sell to anyone anywhere, quickly, effortlessly, and efficiently.

  1. Identity and Offering Definition
  2. Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs)
  3. Competitors Analysis
  4. Unique Selling Points (USPs)
  5. Pitches
  6. Product Pricing
  7. Documents Templating
  8. Sales Team’s RSRs
  9. Partner Sales Operations
  10. Sales Process

    Sales Support

    Provide continuous Sales Support to empower growth, replacing the need to hire several roles or put the weight on management.

    1. Sales Strategy
    2. Sales Operations
    3. Sales Enablement
    4. Sales Hiring Advisory

    Investment Readiness

    Build and provide a comprehensive pitch readiness to be delivered to investors to ensure a high investment success rate.

    1. Complete Business Plan
    2. i. Executive Summary
      ii. Company Overview
      iii. Business Description
      iv. Goals and Objectives
      v. Market Analysis
      vi. Products & Services Packaging
      vii. Operating Plan
      viii. Marketing and Sales Plan
      ix. Team Structure

    3. Financial Plan and Projection
    4. i. Start-up Summary
      ii. Revenue Forecast
      iii. Projected Profit and Loss
      iv. Balance Sheet
      v. Cash Flow
      vi. Break-even Analysis

    5. Pitch Deck
    6. i. Problem Statement
      ii. Solution
      iii. Underlying Magic
      iv. Business Model
      v. Go-To-Market
      vi. Competition
      vii. The Team
      viii. Financial Projection
      ix. Status and Timeline
      x. Conclusion

    For VCs and Investors

    Startups Investigation

    Dive in-depth into and investigate a B2B Software Startup’s Sales and Go-To-Market operations as well as their offerings.

    1. Product Market Fit (PMF)
    2. Scalability
    3. Sales Operations
    4. Profitability
    5. Product and Business Viability

      Portfolio Sales Support

      Monitor, track and support the sales operations of the investor’s portfolio of software companies.

        1. Internal Sales Meetings
        2. KPIs Tracking
        3. Sales Training
        4. Sales Pipeline Advisory
        5. Portfolio Sales Reporting

      For Incubators and Accelerators

      Program Creation

      Create a comprehensive custom program targeted towards Tech Startups’ Sales and Go-To-Market readiness and enablement.

      1. Trainings
      2. Exercises
      3. Metrics


        Provide in-residence mentorship for programs or specific startups across industries and geographies.

          1. Weekly Meetings
          2. Case-Specific Advisory
          3. Business and Sales Advisory


        Sales SNPs

        How to design and implement Sales Standard Normalization Processes (SNPs).

        Guerilla Business Development

        How to Go-To-Market efficiently, quickly and with low-resources consumption.

        Sales Team's Roles, Structure, and Responsibilities

        How to create the necessary Roles, design the core Structure of a Sales team, and set the Responsibilities of sales team members.

        Sales Processes

        How to design and digitalize global, cross-product, and company-wide Sales Processes.

        The Jeffreyview

        The Jeffreyview Talks

        Watch video podcasts hosted by Jeffrey Khater with Tech industry leader guests, discussing everything Tech, Sales and Psychology.

        The Jeffreyview Articles

        Read critical thought articles written by Jeffrey Khater discussing Technology, Sales, and Psychology.

        Schedule a videocall